Tales from the German Rails – sketches and stage talk

Drawing_KielI’m sitting in a small café across the road from Kiel Station with half an hour to spare before I catch a train to Bielefeld. Last night was day two of my ten day Germany tour – Prinz Willy (much to my juvenile friends’ amusement) was the name of the venue and a very lovely place it was too!

You never know what to expect when you play a show in an unfamiliar town. I can’t tell you what a great feeling it is to see people coming in through the door and watching the venue slowly fill up – a compliment to the venue as most of the people were regulars and always trust the choice of Willy himself, who books the bands. I get terribly nervous before every show and last night was no exception.

After a couple of songs you made me feel right at home. Who would of thought that German stage banter can be so much fun? “Aus Jucks und Dollerei” is one of my new favourites…

Kim und Carolin, two art student sketching away madly in the front row, created some fantastic drawings – sorry I moved so much!

Echt Leute, dass hat gestern so viel Spaß gemacht – Vielen Dank furs Zuhoeren und ich hoffe wir sehen uns dann bald in Kiel wieder!

I felt so at home on that stage that I decided to sleep there… Was the first good night’s sleep I’ve had in weeks actually!


Looking forward to the show in Bielefeld tonight – Taraaa!

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