Hurray, back on the rails! Last Friday night I played a show at the Grain Barge in Bristol, sharing the bill with Jess Marlowe and Annette Berlin, who as the name might suggest was a fellow Berliner. It’s awfully difficult to switch back to German when you’re not expecting to speak it, the first couple of sentences are cumbersome and the words feel heavy and alien as they stumble out of your mouth. Beer helps. Annette has been living and making music in Bristol for over 10 years now and it was pure coincidence that the bill was made up of almost all Berliners (Jess had recorded there, so that counts!). The Grain Barge is a really cool venue and I highly recommend you go check it out if you’re ever in the area.

This was my second show in Bristol and I was quite overwhelmed that you all came out to see me, especially those of you whom I haven’t seen in years! It was great to see you and I hope you enjoyed the show.
I had the leisure pleasure of spending the whole weekend in Bristol. Yesterday I had another dose of countryside as we went for a romp in the woods (yep, romp. Look it up if you don’t believe me). If summer made a final appearance in Totnes, Bristol was bathed in autumn’s best light with bright reds, oranges and crispy blues.

I’m now on a train to Cardiff for a headline show at the Buffalo Bar. The Evening Show on BBC Wales was kind enough to plug my gig with a little interview + tracks from my previous live session, which you can listen to here. Slightly nervous to be top of the bill (let’s hope it doesn’t get lonely up there).
organic sounds from the grain barge lovely venue i agree Rox :)) x