“I’ve been travelling on a boat on a plane, in a car on a bike, with a bus and a train” George Harrison’s song ‘Any Road’ is quickly becoming the new theme tune to my life. Save for the bike, I’ve used all those modes of transportation to get to my gigs over the past …
Tales from the Rails – tour miracles, the sunday times and mum’s food
I made it! I’m back in Berlin after 11 shows over 10 days in 3 different countries. I have two more shows in Germany to look forward to before I fly back to London, just in time for the Acoustic East Festival! I’ve really enjoyed the travelling and am thankful for all the kind strangers …
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Tales from the Rails – spinning out of control and who the hell can afford Switzerland?
My suitcase is broken! The little wheel gave up and split in two during an uphill struggle from Bern station to the venue. The suitcase is too heavy for me to carry along with my guitar and I can’t afford to buy a new one here in Switzerland, so I’m not sure what to do …
Tales from the Rails – beautiful Italy and Tour Tattoos
I am that person on the bus that everybody’s looking at – the one falling all over the place, accidentally hitting small people over the head with my guitar, dropping things, not having the right change for the ticket machine and not knowing when my stop is. Busses make me feel foreign, be it in …
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Tales from the Rails – mountain tops and mini cheese
Some views ignite child-like awe. What is it about these snow covered mountain tops? I’m craning my neck to see out of the train window to take in Switzerland’s landscape, my eyes sufficiently full of wonder that the elderly lady sitting next me offers me her window seat. I politely decline, but every now and …
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Female is not a genre – my thoughts published on The Girls Are
I’m very honoured that The Girls Are have published a piece I wrote on sexism in teh music industry. You can read it here: http://www.thegirlsare.com/2015/03/02/roxanne-de-bastion-female-is-not-a-genre/ I’ve had so much positive feedback and support from you – thank you for sharing it and for all your comments.
Tales from the Rails (Leeds) – Top Gun, Vinyl and Fred Durst
So what about those blog posts? Oh yeah, that was something I used to do to bide my time on coaches and trains! I’m on the former now, leaving town after a two-day Leeds extravaganza. Yesterday I got to play an in-store show at Jumbo Records. Also performing were Jinski from Newcastle and the very …
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February & March Tour Dates
Trains and coaches will take me through England, Switzerland, Italy and Germany over the next two months and I can’t wait to see you there and play you my new songs! For you English lot, the Leeds shows are free entry, tickets to the Liverpool show are available here: https://www.wegottickets.com/event/302831 Tickets for teh Acoustic East …
2014 – a year in review
It’s January 5th and I’ve been asleep for most of 2015… Now that I’m up, I feel I should keep up a tradition and write about the highlights of the past twelve months. I hope everybody reading this has had a great start to the new year (providing you’ve actually been awake). Thanks so much …
Tales from the Rails – ever further south in seven shows
“Welcome to Switzerland”, the train conductor announced as we pulled into a station that for all I knew could have been yet another stop in South Germany. I had eagerly awaited the little, crooked man behind the coffee trolly to pass through my compartment. This announcement seemed to have been his cue, seeing as he …
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